
My name is Tom Ridd, a full stack engineer who loves all things data

London, UK

Selected Projects

Tech lead

Race Disparity Audit - Beta

Taking the proof of concept designs and plans from RDA Alpha and making them a reality. Technical effort spent creating a system that can run indefinitely and in addressing problems that arose from scaling to large numbers of datasets.

Python, Flask, Jinja2, PostgreSQL, AWS S3, Heroku, Sentry, CircleCI

Senior developer

Race Disparity Audit - Alpha

Rapid prototyping over one week agile sprints to determine specification, design, and build strategy for a major government data initiative.

Ruby, R, Heroku

Senior developer

GOV.UK - Licensify

Upgrading a live but poorly maintained section of GOV.UK. Implementing GOV.UK Notify. Maintaining a production system with a large number of moving parts.

Scala, Play, Notify, WorldPay, ClamAV, MongoDB

Senior developer

NHS - Quality Surveillance Information System

Working to ambitious deadlines undertaking full stack development of online system for administering NHS hospital ward inspections. Working across the stack but focussing on particular responsibilities - lead Java architect, SQL optimiser, and anything to do with testing.

Java, Dropwizard, MySQL, AngularJS, CircleCI

Full stack developer

ONS - Bespoke publishing platform

Specialising in stories with a data component such as the data auto-processor, the chart builder, and the API. Taking on broader responsibilities in managing the production website including coordinating version deployment and managing data.

Java, JQuery, Highcharts, Jenkins, Docker, AWS


Senior Developer


Technical member of multidisciplinary agile teams working across the public sector. A variety of projects as detailed above.

Data manager

LaSwap sixth form consortium

Production and development of data products for a four school sixth form consortium.

Data analyst

Bishop Douglass School

School database management and analysis. IT support role particularly planning, resourcing, and leading CPD sessions


MSc (Distinction) Management Science and Operational Research

University of Warwick

Science as taught by the Warwick Business School including linear programming, statistics, and algorithmic optimisation for the quantitatively inclined. Business analysis, project planning, and marketing.

BSc (2:1) Applied Mathematics

University of Warwick

A broad variety of courses across the Maths and Science departments specialising in Mathematical Biology in my final year.

A-Level Maths, Further Maths, Physics, Chemistry

Hendon School

Scientific A-Levels